Facial filler
Filler can be used in a number of places across the face and is perfect for lifting and treating areas that are lacking volume due to ageing and other factors. ​By treating areas of the face with filler you will achieve a happier, more youthful appearance.
We offer filler in the lips, chin, nose, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, cheeks, jawline and tear trough.
We will work together during your consultation to create a personalised treatment plan.
Pre Treatment Care
You can take anti histamine and arnica tablets (both available in Boots) 1 week before your appointment to help reduce bruising and swelling post treatment. Do not drink alcohol 48 hours before your treatment and drink lots of water, it is best if you are well hydrated. If possible ensure you have eaten//had a snack as some people can feel faint from the use of needles.
Post Treatment Care
Drink 2-3 litres of water per day.
Avoid massaging the area, any lumps should subside in two weeks.
No alcohol for 48 hours.
Avoid blood thinning and anti inflamatory medication for the next 7 days. Seek medical advise if these are prescribed medications, please don't just stop taking them.
Avoid direct sunlight and heat for 48 hours.
Don't have any facial procedures for 2 weeks.
No strenuous exercise for 48 hours.
Avoid make up, touching the area and other products in the injection sites for 6 hours post treatment.
Avoid vaping or smoking for 6 hours post treatment.
Any discolouration, intense pain, abnormal swelling please contact me.​